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Treniss Evans SCOTUS Petition

Treniss Evans Petitions SCOTUS as an Injured Voter to Stay Merchan's Unconstitutional Show Trial

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October 23, 2024
Byrne on Smartmatic-VN History: "Fidel and Hugo's Excellent Bolivarian Adventure"

A lot of this is bullshit IMO but it can be a good starting point to research. Now, if the CIA is rigging our elections (Brannon Howse has videos discussing this but not in great detail and only anonymous sources) using Smartmatic software, as I believe to be the case, who cares if Castro invented it? The CIA, and you can see it pretty clearly if you listen to news reports from 20 years ago, were trying to rig Venezuela's election using the old system, and I think Byrne is calling Chavez' Smartmatic the couter-counter-coup.

The point to take home is the software was engineered to control election outcomes. But there are multiple communist governments, not just ours and the Comintern, who could potentially have backdoor access.

October 23, 2024
CIA Station Chief and Veteran Gary Berntsen on Smartmatic TL

This gets better further in and Berntsen seems to have an alright record, although he is CIA. His site looks good.

February 15, 2023
JHP AG Explanation - how his reports work in unison

he made a few of these videos for Brno. More of them on ugetube.com/@johncleer

August 02, 2024
Gunnells - ReadingEpicThreads - DOJ Indicts Smartmatic!
Gunnells - ReadingEpicThreads - DOJ Indicts Smartmatic!
August 01, 2024
Hugo Chavez Mixtape - UN 2006 - Larry King 2009
Hugo Chavez Mixtape - UN 2006 - Larry King 2009
August 01, 2024
Russia, Cuba and China in VN - Aurora Intel (AUDIO)
Russia, Cuba and China in VN - Aurora Intel (AUDIO)
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Kari Lake Trials II & III, Donofrio & Heath, Finchem & LAKE V FONTES
--AMICUS BRIEF just posted--
Dar Leaf, John Thaler, Corruption
-with Sheriff Leaf's April 11 letter to Jordan and Paul and related

Maricopa 1- Rules & Results, Audits, Lake v Hobbs-I & related, Heath v Thompson (THAT Thompson), WTPAZ exhibits & Presentations, Jovan Pulitzer Comprehensive
Maricopa 2- Recounts & Internal Audits, Witness Statements, Nearby Counties, official letters
KRAKEN Lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan - Sidney Powell

August 03, 2024
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20th Century Communism, US-Venezuela Politics & Smartmatic, & the CIA
Third Draft 12-12-24 - Ongoing Paper

I'll develop this over time, it's been a huge undertaking. I have USB-fulls of docs articles and books I managed to download before they started attacking archive.org. Some I combined into book-length article serieses, not sure how I'll end up posting it but probably in combination with other sites to get around post limits and not fill up the election library with non-election stuff.

I believe I've uploaded all the Philippines/Venezuela articles but there's no much more. The thrust of it is the Cold War was a factional war between communists and behind the communist sits the Jacobin, who has no interest in Marx' indeology but as a tool for conquest.

The "Neocons" came out of the Cold War, straight out of the Soviet Union. They were Trotsky communists disguised as conservatives, communist dissidents who hated Stalin after the purges, and that's never changed, and that's who wants Venezuela, they want it for the oil. Moralfagging to fool the population into supporting war is a trick that's probably been around forever but took off under Wilson. Citing "Human Rights" and other bullshit reasons to invade when the ulterior motive is the motive, is known as "Wilsonianism."

If you were around in the early 2000's, you'll know what I mean. One of the big proponents of it after WWII was Scoop Jackson, from whose office the Neocons began their march through the American govt, and of course it continued under the Bushes, Clintons and Obama. The Neocons gradually took over the Republican party, starting behind the scenes with putting Gerald Ford in position, then taking down Agnew and Nixon to make him president. He was a Joe Biden type. They went through the Republican party because the pro-Stalin camp had already taken over the D Party.

These reds tried to takeover VN in 2002 and again under Trump, spearheaded both times by Elliot Abrams. The are the Chicago school of Straussian philosophy (power through deception), the NY "conservative" newspapers and the Rand Corporation. The hallmark of their operation has always been disguising communist revolutions as anti-communist movements.


Inevitably, if you research Smartmatic and Hugo Chavez from scratch, as I did, you'll be presented with a contradiction, and it leads to the neocons. Hugo Chavez was a socialist and we're told he invented the software to rig elections. Before that he nationalized oil, which involved seizing private assets of wealthy Venezuelans and foreign globalists--but primarily from foreigners, who dominated Venezuelan oil.

Chavez' efforts to develop other economic sectors were failures, like you'd expect from a socialist, and he couldn't build a tourism industry in what should have been a tropical paradise, despite being flush with oil money, because there was so much violent crime under him--and because he was under constant attack from the liberal international order, who to this day want their oil back.

These are the same internationalists who smear Trump today, run Venezuela's media and as I wrote, own controlling shares in the oil companies Chavez pushed out of Venezuela. They are the US and western oil families, among other businesses. They're the only internationalists.

The conundrum is they have their own communist history. Some assert, Professor Antony Sutton most prominently, that they not only financed Russia's 1917 Revolution, but built the Soviet Union itself and every factory in it: the Harrimans, Bushes and Roosevelts being the most noteworthy.

This makes it challenging to understand the Venezuela conflict. The first step is to see communism is a vehicle for totalitarian control that fails to achieve it's stated Utopian goals by design. In this series, which I think is on the mark, the John Birch Society makes the case that communists of the 20th Century were just carrying forward the Jacobin tradition. Sutton argues in the same vein that the Wall St. bankers who financed the Bolshevik Revolution did so to destroy an economic competitor, Tsarist Russia, turn it into a captive market and monopolize global business.

Allen Dulles, arguably the godfather of the CIA and Deep State, claimed repeatedly to have had a meeting scheduled with Lenin just before Lenin's train ride to Russia, which Dulles further claimed he did not attend. It's impossible to say where the truth lies in this story, although the consensus appears to be he was telling a tall tale.

But if Dulles did have such a meeting, then Dulles would be a person of interest in the October Revolution, and that would interfere with the CIA self-promoting as anti communists were it publically acknowledged. That's what I suspect, and I see his story about snubbing Lenin as a "wink."

Now it's Trump that they want out, and it's clear that their leadership sees the US as a foreign country. They are fiercely opposed to nationalistic, independent governments and they're leading the spear to topple the US government today--in part through Smartmatic election software. They've attempted the same against Chavez, and later Maduro, and Castro, too.

Bush, Abrams and the CIA tried to coup Chavez in March, 2002; in April, 2003, Smartmatic unveiled its prototype. Smartmatic, like the western oil companies and our stock market in general, is owned by an opaque network of international shell companies, but I gather it's true that Chavez controlled it.

Chavez in turn had a regional alliance with Cuba. He depended on Castro to buy his oil and Cuba depended on Chavez to provide it, and thus both countries could navigate western trade embargoes. I suspect he used Smartmatic to fend off CIA election intrustions, who then acquired it for themselves.

But the accepted narrative that America or the CIA wanted to depose Chavez for being red, and that Chavez needed Smartmatic to get votes, is dubious. He had the same opponents as Trump, many of the exact same people and groups, and like Trump he wanted an independent country instead of foreign internationalists sucking out the wealth. Certainly, there were Venezuelans who prospered in the old arrangement who resented his takeover, and Venezuelans who resented the crime.

But these reports of him being unpopular sound, to me, identical to the fake news about Trump. There was an old news report I found, and lost, from a western (Mockingbird) media network about Chavez being at war with the media, kicking out the "free press", etc. I suspect he had to rig the votes electronically to stave off old-fashioned ballot stuffing, fake news and suppression polls from the CIA, who have promoted a number of anti-Chavez candidates over the years that fit the Barrack Obama/Beto O'Rourke mold.

Communist Rise in the US

As hard as it is to believe today, the CIA was known as an anti-communist force throughout the Cold War. We're told America beat Soviet Russia, but their leaders emigrated here and took jobs in our institutions, and have since taken control of our government.

The seeds for this were planted during the CIA-run psyops of the 1970's in protest of the Vietnam War. The communists not only won Vietnam, they won the hearts of a generation of Americans, the baby boomers, who today drive America toward a fast-approaching cliff. Looking at that outcome, was the CIA's heart really in that fight?

From the Venona Papers, you can chart the factionalist communist takeovers of America and the CIA and they seem to show the same struggle for power, which began before the CIA, OSS or either World War. It can be deduced starting there that the CIA was always a captured institution. 

I'll go over the struggle for power between communist factions in the US in this paper, which is the real story of the Cold War and of what's happened over the past 80 years with Democrats and Republicans and the past 110 or so of the Deep State.

Soviet communist cells took hold in the American government under FDR after his cousin Teddy paved the way for it, but Soviet communism was not the end-all-be-all of the communist movement. This is a  good, quick summary of the two camps that came into being in Soviet Russia after Lenin's death. There was a power vaccuum until Stalin took control, and 15 years later, he began the Great Purge: Stalin's mass-murder and imprisonment of his Bolshevik rivals in the 1930's.

Democrat Senator Scoop Jackson, the supposed anti-communist, began lobbying to allow Soviet dissidents (the Bolsheviks Stalin had been purging) to emigrate to America, and that's where Trotskyites got their foot in the door in Congress: as Scoop Jackson Democrats. Together with some academics from the University of Chicago, these communist democrats took to calling themselves Neoconservatives, claiming to have seen the light and become disillusioned with Bolshevism, after initially calling themselves "paleoliberals."

Their agenda in a nutshell was war under false, humanitarian pretexts and FDR New Deal socialism. They sold it as conservative by being anti-Crime, anti-Great Society and -government dependency, but they wanted to make war and socialism Republican issues and bastardize conservatism, and it worked. They were still communists! And they still are. 

This was after the Stalin had infiltrated the US government in the Willson, Hoover and FDR administrations, and started raiding, killing and imprisoning Trotskyists in Russia. It's very significant because after this there were two communist factions vying to control America and that competition was marketed as the Cold War, when in truth we'd imported a communist civil war.

Briefly summarizing US Stalinism, Teddy Roosevelt split the ticket in 1912 after losing the primary and that guaranteed Woodrow Wilson the presidency, who wouldn't have had a chance otherwise. Wilson gave us the IRS, Federal Reserve, World War I, Wilsonian foreign policy (invading countries under the pretext of freeing them or spreading liberal values) and the beginning of FDR's administrative state.

Herbert Hoover was Wilson's US Food Administrator.  When the USSR was on the brink of collapse due to mass starvation, he propped their government up by sending food (while our other industrialists built their factories and entire economy). Otherwise, communism would have died in its cradle. But of course, they sold it as humanitarianism. This the legacy of the "anti communists," the original RINO's.

During Hoover's program of feeding communism, Harold Ware travelled to Russia, ostensibly to teach them how to use tractors so they could learn collective farming, which did also happen. While there he studied at Lenin's spy school. Stalin gave him $25,000 in seed money for his return trip and he got a job in FDR's New Deal, then set up the Alger Hiss' and Whitaker Chambers' communist cell. The Perlo Group during WWII grew out of the Ware Cell. Through these Soviet cells, communists penetrated our government at every level, to the top of FDR's cabinet and FDR himself. Chambers named names during McCarthy's HUAC hearings and he was proven right decades later in the Venona Papers. 

McCarthy seems genuine but from what I've gathered he was an alcoholic and married womanizer being blackmailed by Hoover, who was blackmailed by Meyer Lansky and the Chicago mob, who so happened to be involved in JFK's assassination and from the same Chicago machine as the neocons. That's why the McCarthy Hearings never made a difference. I suspect McCarthy, from what I could gather in a relatively short research, was attacking Stalinists so Trotskyists could gain ground, and Hoover kept him on the leash. 

Up to then, Stalin ran the Communist Party USA and the Ware, Perlo and Silvermaster cells answered to him. Scoop Jackson's soviet dissidents set up their own groups and over the decades, rode Rumfeld's contingent, the Committee on the Present Danger (first known as the Young Turks, then COTPD and later repurposed under Bush II as the OSP) to the White House. 

The team was remarkable, comprised of Scoop Jackson Democrats; Chicago-NY propagandists; Ivy League academics, particularly at Harvard, Yale and Skull and Bones; the CIA and the RAND Institute. Whatever Chicago's role was in the JFK assassination, the Young Turks then put Ford into the speaker role and next in line for VP and the neocons took out Nixon's VP Agnew, took out Nixon, took out Carter (Iran-Contra conspiracy), put Reagan in his place by shooting him and installed the Bushes as presidents.

In the process, the COTPD initiated a huge shakeup at the CIA, the 1975 Halloween Massacre under Ford. Rumsfeld and Cheney resigned, prompting mass CIA firings, after which Bush became director, Rumsfeld the Sec of Defense, and Dick Cheney Ford's Chief of Staff.

to be continued






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